Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Happy Veteran's Day

All of us at Clara's would like to thank all of the veterans and current military members who have served our country.  One of our favorite veterans is 1st LT. Thomas J. Doody or as we know him Tom!  Tom has dined with Clara's for the last 20 years every Saturday!  

Tom was a P-51 Mustang pilot in World War II (1944-45) serving in the 20th Fighter Group in Kingscliff United Kingdom.  He was part of the 55th Fighter Squadron flying over 50 missions at the ripe young age of 21.  Tom is a wealth of incredible stories about his flying days including escorting bombers on their missions.  As he reminds all of us, 50% of his fellow Mustang pilots did not survive and he considers himself fortunate to have lived such a full and adventurous life. After the WWII, Tom went on to become a scientific glass blower at Argon Laboratories.    If you would like to know more about Tom's fighter group, visit the LittleFriends website.  Why is the website Little Friends?  That was the nickname the bomber pilots gave their "friends" in the smaller P-51 Mustang who would escort them.  

Thanks Tom for your service and see you Saturday!

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